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This query will return data on patients who have used the PROMs version of the AOFAS Hallux MI assessment, whether this has been filled in by iPad, touch screen or paper based and scanned back in via the Bluespier Data Import Module. The data table is set…

2 AOFAS Midfoot PROMs

This query will return data on patients who have used the PROMs version of the AOFAS Midfoot assessment, whether this has been filled in by iPad, touch screen or paper based and scanned back in via the Bluespier Data Import Module. The data table is set up…

3 Oxford Knee PROMs

This query will return data on patients who have used the PROMs version of the Oxford Knee assessment, whether this has been filled in by iPad, touch screen or paper based and scanned back in via the Bluespier Data Import Module. The data table is set up…